Flexible and Versatile Pole-mount Family

With flexible mounting options and different optics, RHINO stands out as an option for area and architectural lighting applications.

  • - Equipped with HEPER’s patented Milestone (ML), AreaFlex (AFX) or Hybrid (HYB) module
  • - Reduced glare achieved through a hidden light source (ML)
  • - Flexible light distribution options from Type I through Type V (AFX)
  • - Varied options for different types of optics, allowing customization
  • - Indirect lighting achieved through reflector technology (ML)
  • - Uniform lighting distribution through multifaceted reflectors (ML)
  • - Angle-adjustable head for adaptable illumination
  • - Approved by the DarkSky International (AFX).
  • - Flexible for various types of uses
  • - Easy installation and maintenance with modular structure
DarkSky FriendlyULIK08IP66Class I
Spot - NEMA Type 0
[S] Spot - NEMA Type 0
Narrow - NEMA Type 2
[N] Narrow - NEMA Type 2
Medium narrow - NEMA Type 3
[MN] Medium narrow - NEMA Type 3
Medium - NEMA Type 4
[M] Medium - NEMA Type 4
Type I
[T1] Type I
Type II
[T2] Type II
Type III
[T3] Type III
Type IV
[T4] Type IV
Type V
[T5] Type V
Pedestrian crosswalk distribution
[P4] Pedestrian crosswalk distribution