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1975 - 18770 lm / 18 - 172 W
3465 - 5737 lm / 40 - 60 W
1008 - 3820 lm / 14 - 35 W
2366 - 4733 lm / 28 - 52 W
2436 - 15270 lm / 28 - 136 W
Being the most common product type for any exterior area lighting application, post-top light fixtures have been around for ages. Coming in various and distinctive shapes and sizes, the one thing they have in common is that they are mounted on post ends usually standard in dimensions, elevated to various heights. Just as they can be tenon end or bracket mount, they can be direct top mount as well. Their roles in exterior illumination can be broad as they can be used to illuminate roads, streets, public areas, parks, residential and landscaped areas and so on… As they can be used in continuous and wide areas in large quantities, they play role in providing an identity to a city or a town while increasing safety through illumination. In this section of our products, you can find pole mounted luminaires in different designs and different lighting characteristics including traditional design products as well as contemporary ones, products with exceptional optical capabilities providing precise illumination, products providing comfortable lighting experiences in public areas, products that can be arranged and aligned in various options within one pole to provide solutions for complex lighting needs etc. It is also possible to combine these products with HEPER poles and arms to obtain the perfect finish match and overall quality.