Turtle Lighting Fixtures Wisconsin

Turtle lighting fixtures Wisconsin area are of great importance for the conservation of wildlife in the . Artificial lights affect biological processes such as plant photosynthesis, animals’ orientation abilities, and migration. While old lamps are being replaced with energy efficient LED lamps, the damage caused by human needs to local wildlife also needs to be evaluated. Researchers have developed tools that categorize LED lamps according to their light output, energy efficiency, and predicted effects on wildlife, humans, and the sky at night.
Researchers predict that the effects of filtered yellow-green and amber LEDs on wildlife may be less than high-pressure sodium-vapor lamps, while blue-tone light will affect wildlife, including birds, insects, fish, and sea turtles, more than orange and yellow-toned light. does.
We’ve all seen insects flying towards the light. For example, night butterflies use the moonlight to stand upright, fly straight and maintain their orientation at night.

turtle lighting fixtures wisconsin

Turtle Lighting Fixtures Wisconsin

Other groups of animals, including various bird and fish species, use natural light signals to direct their movements. Hatching sea turtles leave their nests in the sand and move across dark, high silhouettes toward the reflection of the moonlight in the ocean.
Different species react to light in different segments of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, night butterflies and sea turtles are attracted to light at shorter wavelengths (blue, purple, ultraviolet hues) than long wavelengths (yellow, orange, red hues), while salmon are sensitive to light of different wavelengths.
Artificial light can affect biological processes such as plant photosynthesis, orientation and migration of animals. The use of artificial light at night on beaches, oceans coasts, forests, or riverside can lead to animals being attracted, disoriented and eventually killed. Various fish species escape from artificial light. Migratory birds use light in the blue-green part of the spectrum for magnetic compass orientation. Long wavelength red and white light hinders this orientation.
The results of the studies were presented on an updated website to guide lighting designers and local government officials on the use of lighting technologies that are both energy efficient and less harmful to wildlife.

Turtle Lighting Fixtures Products

You can examine our turtle-friendly lighting products that focus on protecting nature and wildlife while meeting people’s lighting needs, and you can review our projects using these products.