Contemporary and Scalable Bollard Family

Eye-catching design and unique optics with a light touch make TRIAN stand out to illuminate pathways, landscaped areas, and other public spaces.

  • - Equipped with HEPER’s Dyno (DYN) or AreaFlex (AFX) module
  • - Minimized glare with hidden light source
  • - Flexible optics give the ability to provide various light distributions in different output levels (AFX)
  • - Optimized linear forward light distribution option with full cut-off and minimized stray light
  • - Easy installation and maintenance
  • - Modern and elegant design, creating a unique touch in exterior applications
Asymmetric Forward
[ASYM-FW] Asymmetric Forward
Asymmetric Side
[ASYM-SD] Asymmetric Side
Special linear, Forward throw
[SLFB] Special linear, Forward throw