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We are proud to announce that we have signed on to the United Nations Global Compact as a business participant for achieving a sustainable world. With this step, we are demonstrating our intent to support the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. We are committed to making UN’s principles part of the strategy, culture, and day- to day operations of our company and to engaging in collaborative projects which advance the broader development of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are aligned with our own values.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are an urgent call for action to recognize ending poverty and other deprivations, improving health and education, reducing inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.
We have identified six SDGs that we commit to supporting the most through our own actions. They underlie our sustainability strategy to contribute to a more sustainable future through our technologies and services.
People’s lives are enhanced by contact with light every day. Light enables all life (human, plant, and animal) to thrive and grow.
We at HEPER believe that we can support and sustain society in all its forms and life in its entirety.
With our aim of “improving life #thrulight” we think not only of today but of the future and bring our experience and knowledge together for a better future and society. We respect nature in all its forms and the needs of our society through our mission to support life.
To enable a more sustainable world and ultimately preserve and protect the environment in which all life evolves, we support the use of the most innovative and future-proof technology and processes.
We have long realized the need for an approach that considers the use of the right materials, technology, and processes.
We believe that to achieve our aims, it is vital that we think of all our resources as finite, something to preserve and sustain and reuse where possible while at the same time enhancing performance, increasing efficiency, and reducing waste. All the above are manifested in our core values.
Technology in all its forms has a vital part to play in our search for environmental sustainability. That’s why at HEPER, technology brings stimulation to enable lives to be improved #thrulight and when brought together the benefit is clear for all to see.
We believe in a future where the right use of the best available technology, coupled with the right use of light will enable us to achieve our aim of “Improving Life #thrulight”.